MENU for Relief for Hurting Parents:
R. A. "Buddy" Scott ©
Parents of troubled teens, rebellious teens, ADD (attention deficit disorder), ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity
disorder), and strong-willed children have found the world's most powerful and easy to understand self-help book for
parents who are fighting to save rebellious teenagers from the wrong crowd, gangs, guns, drugs, alcohol, teen sex,
fighting, smoking, rebellion, abuse, cults, the occult, satanism, witchcraft, juvenile crime, being a dropout,
failing grades, sexual diseases, HIV, AIDS, date rape, being a runaway, and more. Relief is used by counselors,
therapists, counseling clinics, treatment centers, youth facilities, juvenile probation officers, military chaplains,
psychology departments of universities, and others.
This self-help book helps parents, grandparents, or guardians recover their children or grandchildren
from the wrong crowd and/or inappropriate attitudes and behaviors. The author shows you
what to do and gives you examples of how to do it. He explains what to say and gives you examples
of how to say it. In addition, Relief serves as a how-to book for preparing younger
children for less dangerous journeys through teen years.
One-hundred thousand copies are being used by parents, grandparents,
guardians, school counselors, therapists, psychologists, psychiatrists, the staffs of treatment centers,
the staffs of residential facilities, the staffs of group homes, juvenile judges, juvenile probation
officers, pastors, military chaplains, facilitators of support groups, teachers of parenting classes,
and professors in university and seminary psychology and counseling departments.
This book is a life-support system for all those who care about kids
so much that they sometimes hurt. "As I read this book, I felt life flowing into me," a mother in
Texas gratefully wrote. A couple in South Carolina penned these words with their compliments: "Through the
principles we learned in Relief for Hurting Parents, our home and lives, that were once in chaos, are now in
harmony." A mother in Michigan mused, "I wish Buddy's book had been a prerequisite to Lamaze classes." A
therapist in Texas reverently observed, "In Relief for Hurting Parents, Buddy Scott has captured the parenting skills and
values that are passing away and placed them in one volume to be preserved for all time."
Endorsements: Sample Pages: NOTE: The Seven Commandments, the Fifteen Towers of Conviction, and the Seven Towers of Strength are not included in the sample pages because parents or guardians do not have the emotional preparation, strength, and poise for appropriately applying them until they have read the whole book. ATTENTION: The author requests that parents, grandparents, and guardians refrain from using any information in this book with children until reading the book as a whole. He advises parental discretion in allowing children to have access to this book. (Rebellious teens have been known to use select portions of the book against their parents or grandparents. Some have vowed that they wouldn't let their parents get anything from "that book" that would "work on them." Others have hidden the book from their parents, grandparents, or guardians.) |