Sample Pages of Relief
Preface (Page 9)


Teenagers are going through the transition from childhood to adulthood, from dependence on parents to independence of parents. It is normal during this time for teenagers to elbow their way toward independence by being a little defiant at times. But their defiance should not register beyond 4.0 on the Richter scale. Families can't hold up against repeatedly severe homequakes and their aftershocks. Families must have help. Here's help.
Here's help also for parents of younger children. If the basic concepts and principles contained in this book are learned and applied early, parents will be more adequately prepared for their children's journey during the teenage years.
Parents have had a lot of experience in helping their children through difficult homework assignments, friend problems, or occasional bad grades, but certain irresponsible acts are in a different league altogether...
being rebellious
behaving violently
screaming profanities
committing crimes
being sexually active
viewing X-rated videos
abusing alcohol
abusing drugs
selling drugs
skipping school
failing in school
threatening teachers
misbehaving constantly in school
sneaking out at night
using family cars without permission
violating traffic laws habitually
wrecking cars
refusing to cooperate
refusing to attend church
disrespecting parents
influencing siblings to do wrong
attempting suicide
partying in the home during their parents' absence
having abortions without parental knowledge
involving themselves with the wrong crowd
lying constantly

These home-shaking disappointments make you understand why the word rebellion happens to contain the words rebel and lion. Living with an out-of-control teenager can be like living with a lion on a rampage!
These horrors are new to the family. They can be stubborn and bewildering! So much so, in fact, that not even longtime psychologists and psychiatrists have mastered rescue techniques that work most of the time--yet parents by the thousands are being drafted to try to rescue their children from these problems.
I've served beside hundreds of these parents during the last ten-plus years, and together we have fought for the lives of their children. This book is a compilation of what I have learned on the front lines of domestic combat.
Many of the kids we fought to save in the early days are fine now--they are working in our businesses, attending our churches, and raising families of their own. A few have called and told me they would be happy to help me talk to others who are presently in the throes of teenage problems.
God has given me a new calling. I sense His call on my life to write, speak, and teach. This new calling calls me away from providing private counseling. I will, instead, be teaching others how to help the way we've learned to help. This support for hurting parents and their kids must spread across America like a warm quilt.