Detailed description of buddyscott.com...
For over a decade, Buddy Scott has provided concerned parents honest, practical, and effective relief. He has picked them up, dusted them off, renewed their courage, beefed up their parenting skills, and sent them back into the action to succeed on behalf of their children and families.
Relief for Hurting Parents by Buddy Scott provides immediate hope and solid answers for parents, single parents, adoptive parents, grandparents, guardians--all parents in pain--and mentors of troubled teens, those responsible for loving a prodigal child, parenting the difficult children, or parenting the strong-willed children of our world, ADD children or ADHD children (with attitude and behavioral problems), adolescents with oppositional-defiant disorder, adopted children, unbonded children, and rebellious teenagers.
This site introduces the self-help novel for juvenile readers, Teens Fight Adult Corruption (teens rebel against the negative adult role models intruding within their culture). By reading this exciting teen novel, adolescents receive the guidance and counsel that parents and youth counselors wish could be a part of family communication. It's a novel designed to mature its audience (hence: a novel to mature audiences). Specifically, it's a teen novel designed to reach the kids we are losing, the kids who are slipping through the cracks.
Both books are a must-read because used together they help parents, school counselors, counselors, social workers, and therapists put forth their best effort to reach at-risk students--students getting involved in the wrong crowd, failing school, teen promiscuity, teen pregnancy, dropping out of college, becoming alienated from their families, being suspended or expelled from school, being rejected by achieving kids, underage drinking of alcohol, using drugs, lying, sneaking out of the house, and shoplifting.
Children who are at risk and exhibit high-risk behavior are another reason both books are a must-read. Used together, they help parents, therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists respond appropriately to teens involved in raves, unsupervised parties, alternative rock, addictions, stealing from family members, tattooing, body mutilation, self-mutilation, teen suicide attempts, teen gangs, trenchcoat mafias, gothic groups, teen violence, family violence, school violence, assaulting teachers, cults, the occult, witchcraft, satanism, selling their bodies, Internet obscenity, phone depravity, juvenile crime, truancy, and running away from home.
Relief for Hurting Parents is effective in counseling the parents and guardians of youths supervised by in-school suspension, alternative schools, group homes, residential facilities, residential treatment centers, hospitals, girls' homes, boys' homes, girls' ranches, boys' ranches, juvenile authorities and juvenile probation officers, juvenile detention centers, boot camps, or adult jail. And Teens Fight Adult Corruption should be required reading for every student, resident, or inmate.
A vital note to parents of children who aren't misbehaving...
What applies to recovering a teenager if or when your child breaks your hearts as parents also applies to prevention: Parents who dare to discipline and know that in our contrary culture parenting isn't for cowards can and must learn from the encouragement for broken-hearted parents offered in buddyscott.com and Relief for Hurting Parents. They must put forth their best effort to help preadolescents have less dangerous journeys through teenage years, avoiding the wrong crowd and chronically unacceptable behavior. See warning below.
Vital for prevention in everyday family life are the Seven Commandments for maintaining parental poise, Fifteen Convictions for raising kids in the new century, and the Seven Towers of Strength for staying strong listed and carefully explained in Relief for Hurting Parents.
The self-help book prepares parents for both parenting pre-teens and parenting teens with love and logical consequences and reasonable concepts and principles, assuring parents that they are doing their best at raising their children. In fact, many come to respect it as a parent's bible or an encyclopedia of parenting.
A vital note to parents of adult-children who haven't grown up and become independent...
This site and these powerful books also provide chicken soup for battle-fatigued parents or guardians who are contending with irresponsible adult children. They will put administrators of trusts, grandparents, dads, and moms in touch with most of the tools they need to disentangle from the intimidation and manipulation and through love that may have to take a strong stand, if necessary, introduce them to authentic, independent, really-on-their-own living.
© R. A. "Buddy" Scott, Allon Publishing